RSVP: The Mind's Eye Works-in-Progress Colloquium: “Private Performance as Caretaking” by Prof. Melanie Mowinski

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Join CARE SYLLABUS for the third in a series of lectures, part of The Mind’s Eye Works-In-Progress Colloquium.

Title: Private Performance as Caretaking

Abstract: In this exploration of performance, acts of endurance, and the role of caretaking in the arts and recovery, Melanie Mowinski examines the idea of wilderness mindset. Mowinski defines wilderness mindset as being present to the unpredictability of life, a concept she developed through her walking practice. When one deliberately seeks the uncomfortable or the opportunity to be lost while walking, resiliency, perseverance, confidence and fortitude get exercised. What is done “alone” can be framed as private performance, an act of endurance in the ongoing care for the body and soul within this great unknown.